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2021-22 Sponsors/Donors 


$5,000 - Annual sponsor: Name/business announced at all shows and included on promotional posters, programs and fliers; 4 complimentary tickets to all 2019 shows.


$1,000 - Show sponsor: Name/business announced at all performances of show and included on promotional posters, programs and fliers; 2 complimentary tickets to all 2019 shows.


$300 - Readers theatre sponsor: Name/business announced at all performances of show and included on promotional posters, programs and fliers; 2 complimentary tickets to all 2019 readers shows.


$500 donation - Name in program, 8 complimentary tickets. 


$250 donation - Name in program, 4 complimentary tickets.


$100 donation - Name in program, 2 complimentary tickets.


$25-$99 donation - Name in program.


Wish list:

Gift cards (any amount) from Mill’s ASAP, Dollar Tree, Miner’s ACE Hardware, Home Depot, Staples

$700 each – 6 LED lights (This price is for good USED LEDs.)  

$2500 – New light control board 

$1000 – New audience chairs 


Storage fees:

$2200 per year – Costumes and set pieces (walls, doors, windows, fireplace mantles, etc.)

$2580 per year – Furniture and props (sofas, chairs, tables, bookshelves, stove, refrigerator, etc.)

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